أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |005 | مراد يورباكُل | تركيا

12:15 مساءً الثلاثاء 4 أكتوبر 2022
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Bereaved Birds

tranquility is as delicate as touching you,

as endless as diving into your eyes

there were songs whose voices I accumulated, the notes of which disappeared

I take off a hopeless pair of pigeons from their gaze.

I magnify the sound of lemon blossoms

I reached the blood sleep of a sweaty sky

the world that gives birth to autumn from a body pours out of the voices of children

time was the birds… waiting for the unseasonable flowers…

oh lover!

tears are dripping

to my heart … lean over

look at the wound that has accumulated in my eyes!

bereaved birds drew tears on my inner night

MURAT YURDAKUL was born in Adana (1983). He was named best translator in the British Journal of Modern Poetry Translation (2018).  He was awarded the XIII international Premio Vitruvio Poetry Award in Italy (2018), and the VI international Città Del Galateo Literary Story Award in Italy (2018). Homer Literature Awards Tarık Dursun K. Story Award 3rd Prize (2020).  He was awarded the international Poet of the Year Award by the International Executive Board of the Poetry Translation and Research Center IPTRC in the People’s Republic of China (2022).

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