أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |013 | انجوزي أوليفيا أوسوها | نيجيريا

10:04 مساءً الثلاثاء 4 أكتوبر 2022
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I see you with my eyes, and know how beautiful you are.

I love you with my heart, and make you feel loved with my whole self.

I perceive your fragrance, the aura of your endowments and nature.

If you smell fine, perhaps with the help of perfumes and deodorants, I care less.

I hear sounds with my ears, I extend them to my heart, and my muse takes it beyond,

So don’t think I hear only sounds.

The honey can’t appease me, if my mind is down

The lemon can’t serenade me if my spirit is angered,

The bananas can’t seduce me if my soul is restless,

And the cherries dare not atone if I thirst and hunger, because my taste isn’t artificial.

This skin will fade, this body will weary

This frame will tire, and this covering  turn a carcass,

Because I know my being is human.

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a Nigerian graduate of Estate Management with some experience in Banking and Broadcasting.

She has authored twenty six poetry books and has featured in over one hundred and twenty five international anthologies. She has published over three hundred and fifty poems and articles in over fifty countries, and some of her pieces have been translated into and published in over fifteen languages.

Some of her books are archived in foreign libraries like the US Library of Congress, British Library, amongst others.

Some of her pieces have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Of The Net Awards. She has won some awards as well.

She’s a tailor, and has her hands in a few other things.

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