أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا | 110 | أمينة ديليلوفيتش – كيفريتش | البوسنة والهرسك

09:12 صباحًا الخميس 24 نوفمبر 2022
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The shine of a father in a rain

I wish to believe there are fathers

Innocent fahters with golden smiles

Streched out between two shores

They don’t hear secrets

They love to be splashed by live rains

Father stands next to a garden and enjoys the smell

This will be good for the plants, says father

The plants are watching him in wonder

The plants are watching him with a craving

The plants are wondering if it would ever be realized to the end

The fact that father loves everything fragile

Voiceless, shapeless, gender

And full of awe

Father leaves on raindrops

The shores are covered by the fog

The fog says that rains who penetrate its membrane

Fall despite the belief

The plants are drowning

Mother never knew the shine of a father in a rain

Emina Đelilović-Kevrić

Emina Đelilović-Kevrić ( born December 12, 1989 in Travnik) is currently living in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. After studying  the b/h/s (bosnian/croatian/serbian) language and literature at the Philoshopical Faculty in Zenica she got her master’s degree on the subject „Memory construction in the South Slavic interlinear community: typical models of the war camp experience in literature“.  She has published her writings in the regional magazines and internet portals ( Strane, Afirmator, Život, Astronaut, Čovjek-Časopis, Vavilonska biblioteka). She is the author of the poetry collection „ This time without history“ ( Dobra knjiga,2016) and the short stories collection „ Erased lives“ ( Dobra knjiga,2021).  Her collection of poems „ My son and I“  is awarded by the  Publishing Foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021.

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