أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا | 126 | معين شلبية | فلسطين

11:34 صباحًا الإثنين 19 ديسمبر 2022
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Go to the sea, My Love!

And If I could

I would reorganize the Universe

So that we will become the playful soul forever

And I would plant a rosy kiss on the lips

And quench my soul from the foam.

And If I could

I would fall in the April of your eyes

Tenderness, radiance, or hail

And would restore my suicide for the mirrors

And would be burnt with a spark of flint.

And If I could

I would sail on the sea of ​​your green eyes

And would whisper to the eyelids and caress the breasts

And would paint the wreath of truth from your hands

And shout: You are as beautiful as the

And with your hands, I would have painted the crown of truth

And shout: You are beautiful as the Eternal God!

And If I could

I would shout: I love you

So that you can cross the sea and overcome grief;

Go to the sea, my love

Till happy time grows!

And If I could

I would perfume our bed with the scent of violets and body,

And would draw your voice, holding

The guitar of sad warmth, and the smell of the country.

And If I could

I would play the final stage

That we are a moon that collapsed… and reunited!

Translated from Arabic to English by: Dr. Nazih Kassis

Moaen Shalabia, Born on 14 October 1958 in Maghar town – In the sea of Galilee region. One of the Arab Palestinian national minority in Israel. Finished his studies at Haifa University. Poet and prose writer, his writing career began in 1973, he published his poems in national local newspapers and Arabic papers abroad. He published seven poetry books and three prose. His first-born was the first book of poetry in 1989. He participated in many local and international festivals around the world. He was awarded by the “Arab intellectual’s forum” – Jerusalem Al-Quds).

Besides, he has received many appreciations certificates a member of the union of Arab writers and the movement of world poets (Poetas del Mundo), and a Member of Mahmoud Darwish Foundation for Creativity. His literary production was discussed and criticized in universities and many sessions in the homeland and abroad. Some of his poems were translated into many languages, like French, Turkish, English, Romanian, Polish, Macedonian, Italian, Hebrew, Bosnian, Albanian, Croatian, Russian, Portuguese, Serbian, and Bahasa Malaysia language.

His collection of poems was included in the national and international anthologies. He won the prize of pest poetry at the international poetry festival / Tetova – Macedonia / Albania. He recently won the big prize of the “Arab Writers Union” for poetry.

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