أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |146| بهارات هاريداس ياداف | الهند

11:05 صباحًا الجمعة 6 يناير 2023
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Africa: From my views 


 The land of Africa is rich.

 Even though most of the

 People are hungry 

 but from here the world

 has started.


The land of Africa is 

the mother of the world.

Till now Africa has been looted a lot, 

persecuted a lot but still Africa is still standing firm.


African people of nature

We believe in walking   together.

He alone will save the world in the end,  

from war,

with hunger,

with thirst,

and from mutual quarrels.


Beginning of human civilization

originated from Africa

from here on becoming human

went around the world,

to establish new civilizations.


Africa still sings

songs of humanity,

Here the forests, 


stones and

even the soil hums.

They say that the war 

should end.

All humans are the same.


My Name is ©Bharat Haridas Yadav from Solapur, ( MH, India ) I am freelance Journalist,Poet and also Translater. I have translated 1000+ poems from hindi language to marathi.My two marathi books are published on hindi poems( hindi poet’s name is Sandeep Goud and Mani Mohan ) which are translated by me in which i have interviewed great Indian philosopher Dr. A.H. Salunkhe with one of my friends,this is my first published book. “Anubandh” is one of my column names in which I translate poetry (from hindi to marathi) in one of the leading newspapers of India.

I have also done translation work in many of the magazines and webportails  in India. I have pulished hindi translation of Turkish poet Bejan Matur’s interview and poems.I have published a marathi translation of Vietnamese poet Mai Wan Phan poem’s on his Personal Website. I have expertise in Poetry readings from radio and local TV channels.yadavbh515@gmail.com



Thank you.Got it.Cool.



Bharat Yadav


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