أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |147| فرحان تونيو | باكستان

09:54 صباحًا الأربعاء 11 يناير 2023
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Rising Africa
By Farhan Tunio
O Africa, land of sorrows 

Human history rise from here,

Your message remains peace,

Witnesses are wind, water, glacier,
During the war against slaveryInjustice,

sorrows & irreparable loss, 

You have seen the invaders,

Ruins your culture, fields & grass

Globe turns more beautiful,

Through your natural beauty, 

Peaceful people lives with nature,

You are great yes, absolutely.
I pay tribute bottom of heart,

No doubt you are great

Africa,I say to the whole world loudly,

I like Africa, much like Africa.

Farhan Tunio belongs to Sindh province of Pakistan. He has been part of Sindhi/ Urdu print & electronic media for the last 16 years. Writing articles & blogs for 15 years in Sindhi & Urdu languages. He has been an anchor person also for  Sindhi TV Channels. Writing poetry since 22 years from very young age. His first poetry book would be published soon.

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