أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |149| تاتيانا تيريبينوفا | روسيا

10:29 صباحًا الأربعاء 11 يناير 2023
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Tatyana Terebinova

“The Mystery of Nefertiti”
And the woman carries in herself
a stone of flower and tenderness of rocks,
which are salty from waves.
She gives the wings to the butterfly of fire and
newborn snowflake; worships her world
with the reflection of prayers –
in the Word of brook and horizon
she dwells.
. ……….

Тайна Нефертити” А женщина несёт в себе
камень цветка и нежность скал, солёных от волн.
Крылья она даёт бабочке огня и
младенческой снежинке;
боготворит её мир отраженьем молитв, –
в Слове ручья и горизонта
она обитает.

RUSSIA. Tatyana Terebinova is a renown poet, translator, essayist, lives in the city of Otradny (Samara) and in Moscow. Tatiana graduated from the Moscow Cultural and Arts Acadimy in 1989. “Waiting at the horizon”, Otradny, 1990. “Anthology of Russian free verse”, Moscow, 1991. Her book of poems “Fire of the Universe” has been translated into Chinese. This book has also been translated into English, – Netherlands, 2019. DICTIONARY of WORLD POETS ASSOCIATION And WORLD LITERATURE ACADEM, TRANDAFIR SIMPETRU, Romania, 2020 . “Kanye and Mani” – The Encyclopedia of Poets of the World, the Arab World, Ahmed Mossad, 2020. The International Bilingual (English and Manipuri) Anthology of poetry “Under The Azure Sky”, Thangjam Misna Chanu, 2021. Historical and Culturen encyclopedia, RUSSIA, Samara, 1995. WORLD INSTITUTE FOR PEACE APPOINTS AMBASSADOR FOR RUSSIA, HONOURED HER WITH WORLD ICON OF PEACE WiP. (2019).

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