أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |151| فيرونيكا فالاديز| المكسيك

10:33 صباحًا الخميس 19 يناير 2023
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We are all Africa
By Verónica Valadez 🇲🇽

I idealize you as the unimagined landscape that has never been known.

Land of vast spaces, wood of enriched paradises.

You come to my mind thinking of the wild animal that lives in you, which you fear but hypnotizes with its beauty.

In my ancestral lineage I have discovered myself in you, I am part of you as I am of this Universe.

There is no difference between creeds, skins and continents, we all inhabit this space, we will all be an entity.

Africa where life is present, where the sun shines every day, due to the warmth of its people.

I contemplate you so far away, but this dream lives in me, to walk you on your slopes and conquer your stars.

Africa, they called you “where the sea foams”, I would say, where the sun covers you and smiles as you enjoy your moon.

Dr. Verónica Valadez (México) Originally from San Francisco del Rincón, Guanajuato, Mexico. Bachelor of Communication Sciences and Master of Education. Journalist for 25 years at Diario A.M; creator and editor of the magazine “Amigos”; winner on two occasions of the “Golden Sun” by the National Circle of Journalists. Announcer and Speaker. Honorable Mention and Finalist of the Contest the 64th International Poetry and Narrative Contest 2019 of Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina; participant of the Anthologies “Letras por el mundo 2019” and “Autores Selectos 2019” in Argentina, winner of the 2nd. Place of the Poetry Contest in Venado, Argentina, recognition in the “Poetry of the Pilar Contest”, Spain. Distinction as “Teacher-Writer” by the H. Ayuntamiento de San Francisco del Rincón. Representative of Mexico in the V International Poetry Festival of Madrid 2019 and participant of the International Anthology “De thousand aromas”, Winner of the 1st Place of Poetry, in the International Short Story and Poetry Competition of Peru 2020. Literary link with Mexico, Spain , India, Peru, Cuba, Rumania, Canada, Bangladesh, Irak, Jordania, Grecia and Iran and winner of the 2020 Research Award, “Ana María Agüero Melnyczuk”. Appointment as Sunflower Woman Ambassador by the Spanish Association Absorvaex, Member of the Union of Writers of the World Nations Kazakhstan, Doctor Honoris Causa by International Forum Creativity and Humanity of Morocco and Mil Mentes por México, and Member of the World Literature Academic and Voluntary Human Rights Observer. Nominated for the 9th China Spring Festival of Poetry Gala 2023 Award.

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