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12:23 مساءً الإثنين 14 نوفمبر 2022
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The untouchable woman


Everything smells like her

You hear her, but you don’t see her

You want to taste it

But you can’t touch her

Nano Poems for Africa

Writer: Aneta Velkoska from Macedonia


Aneta Velkoska was born in 1978. Work experience: professor, TV journalist, librarian, writer. Winner of awards for poetry, prose, drama: poetry book of the year, state award for essay, best drama script of a festival, first award in the world for Esperanto culture, special award for the traveling theater. Works: What Annoys Eternity, Are All Gods Romantics, First Macedonian Lexicon, The Second Love of the Stone, The Most Giant Dwarf and the Most Dwarf Giant, Bad Yin and Good Yang, Infinite Frame. She writes drama and film scripts.

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