أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا | 130 | أورنا بوس| الهند

09:41 صباحًا الخميس 22 ديسمبر 2022
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Place a heap of freshly

plucked petals of faith,

at the feet of your own life’s dreams.

Then, light some incense.

A candle, or maybe a diya.

Call upon the incandescence of your

sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.

Surrender to their calling. Allow them to

tear apart all the “whens”, “wheres”,

“whats” and hows”.

Sense them crumbling away, the howling debris

of your mighty, invincible kingdom of resistance,

blowing in the wind, turning to dust motes.

Now, take a deep breath, close your eyes

and join your palms together.

Your dreams are sacred.

Kneel down at their sanctum sanctorum.

Bow your head and worship them.

Copyright © Urna Bose

Diya – a small cup-shaped oil lamp made of baked clay

Urna Bose is an advertising professional, writer, poet, and editor. Her poetry has gone viral, globally.

She won ‘The Enchanting Editor Award 2019’, from the Telangana Poetry Forum, and the ‘Women Empowered – Scintillating Creative Impactful – Feminine Power Inspiration Award 2020’. And the prestigious Nissim International Prize for Poetry, 2021. As the Deputy Editor for Different Truths, she also devotes her time to the ‘Poet 2 Poet’ column.

Urna’s advertising campaigns have won both Indian and global creativity awards, and some are even industry case studies.

Urna believes that soulful poetry and gooey chocolate cake can fix everything.

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