أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |144| فرجينيا فرنانديز كولادو | أسبانيا

07:12 مساءً الإثنين 2 يناير 2023
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Anthology for AfricaNano Poems by Virginia Fernández Collado

These poems have been selected from Rain, Poems 2006-2016, Fondo Kati, 2020


Ash flakes fall from the trees

in a city that is all cities.

I have not lived the holocaust





flakes of ash fall from the trees.

The landscape is not snowy,

but slow flakes of ash fall like autumn leaves.


Because I am an autumn leaf falling into the abyss

‘Cause I belong in the daylight

because the life

because there is the possibility

because there is the word of those who are not sane.

A stream like fire awaits you on the way.


Here I am in the desert staying

in the very essence

of the freedom of the bird.

The truth of emptiness is nothing

of the tree, the leaf.

From the sky, the star.

Of the sunsets, a yellow color,


in nowhere.


“The rain like a tongue of prehensile mosses”

The trembling


A slow rain falls with leaf, tree, and fruit.


the fertile land welcomes you.

Spilled water, tongue that drinks like moss

as flow.

Very sad forest that inhabits, in the slow fall of lethargy,

in the infinite bed of the fairy, at the precise moment

of the fall of the leaf and the embrace.



Virginia Fernández Collado, Almería (Spain), 1977 has a degree in Business Administration and Management. She teaches Business Administration in Secondary Education. She has completed doctorate courses in Applied Economics, she has a master’s degree in “Asesoría Fiscal” from the GADE business school in Madrid. She has published in “El periódico urbano” in Santiago de Chile and in Quillota (Chile). She has collaborated in the magazine “Axarquía”. Some of his poems appear in joint books. He has published the books Depredador, ed. La oficina, 2015, Poemas 2006-2016, ediciones del Genal y Fundación Fondo Kati, 2017, Bosque, Fondo Kati, 2020, Lluvia Poemas 2006-2016, Fondo Kati, 2020, Los cantos de Layla, Fondo Kati, 2020; and in the field of methodology he has published Guía de la programación didáctica. Modulo profesional contabilidad y fiscalidad. Oposiciones al cuerpo de profesores de educación secundaria, Fondo Kati, 2020, among others. She has coordinated several poetry anthologies, including Antología de poesía femenina contemporánea, Fondo Kati, 2020, with the participation of 75 poets from 29 countries and Versos que abrazan (Museo de Almería, 2017), commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. She has been invited by the Maison de France in Granada for the Autumn Poetry Festival of Granada (2016) and (2018).  She has been the representative of Spain in the Encuentro de poetas hispanoamericanas, in the Aula de poesía y humanismo Dama de Baza, (Baza, Granada, Spain 2016). She has been the guest poet at the V Sahiliana night in Granada, Spain, organised by the Mahmud Kati Foundation and the Patronato de la Alhambra (2017). She has participated in several poetry meetings. He has received the 1st Prize (poetry modality) in the XIII Concurso de Creación Joven, Ciudad de Almería in 2011. He was a finalist in the International Poetry Competition Ciudad de Baza in 2017. He is a member of the Literature Department of the Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. He has been a member of the jury for the I International Short Story Prize “Maestro Francisco González Ruíz”. She has been a member of the IEA Publications Assessment Committee in the 2020 call for entries. She has been invited to the 32nd International Poetry Festival of Medellin (Colombia) (2022).

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