أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |008 | دوسان ستويكوفيتش | صربيا

07:19 مساءً الثلاثاء 4 أكتوبر 2022
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All that is created

it was created in Africa.

From the first flower,

from the first butterfly,

first inhalation,

everything came from her.


Dušan Stojković was born on June 27, 1994.

Lives in Grdelica (Serbia)

He published a collection of poetry, “You are not cursed – it entered the chest, it came out”

Together with Jelena Sarić Cvetković, he is the founder of the MUK Association (Young Artists of Culture), a member of the Association of Free Artistic Souls (USUD 016), the BUKA Association, the International Association of Writers and Artists GORSKI VIDICI and the International Chamber of Writers and Artists CIESART.

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