أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |011| ساندا ريسيتيتش – ستوينوفيتش | صربيا

09:44 مساءً الثلاثاء 4 أكتوبر 2022
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Sanda Ristić-Stojanović


The night draws the silhouette of a woman,

and realizes the black color of her illusion.

The day equalizes her shape

with the shape of Africa.

Her eyes see the whole

one continent of our sorrow.

The night lowers her illusions

in its colors.

On the black continent of her beauty,

the children of her mornings walk.

The lions of her desires have ripped

the antelopes of the unclearness of her fate.


Sanda Ristić-Stojanović is a poetess and aesthetic born in Belgrade in 1974. She graduated in philosophy at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy. She is the author of 15 poetry books published by Svetovi, KOV, Address, Presing and Gramatik and one of four authors in the joint collection of poems “From the Shadow of the Verse” – Gramatik, 2012.

Her poems and short stories were published in numerous collections of contemporary literature and in several anthologies of the poetry of the twenty-first century.

She is a member of the Serbian Literary Society, the Association of Serbian Writers and the Aesthetic Society of Serbia.

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