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08:43 مساءً الأربعاء 29 مايو 2024
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Mrs , Mita breathed deeply , which inherited the energy sciences ?from her father , when she parked her on the right side of the street ?.?Then she rushed to hug a tree , and turned to a stray cat .?She smiled at him a wide smile , under the title of an ” ?affirmation of love ” , and said to him ?:?I love you , cute cat . Give me your positive energy ?, so that I can be happy with it on my day , and I will give you my energy that I just took from my friend the tree .?He looked at her with a surprised and disapproving look , meowed violently ?, and said to her ?: Come on ?, I’m hungry ?, give me the piece of meat .. without nonsense ?!! ?

* Libanese writer : Eman Bikai *?*

Translated to English : Beleid Alsahley *?

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