أنطولوجيا ألف ليلة وليلة |41| مؤمن سمير

08:43 صباحًا الإثنين 14 فبراير 2022
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مؤمن محمد محمد علي

اسم الشهرة والاسم الأدبي :مؤمن سمير

شاعر ينتمي لجيل التسعينات الشعري المصري. من مواليد15/11/ 1975 أصدر ستة عشر ديواناً وأربعة كتب مسرحية وخمسة كتب نقدية وكتاباً مترجماً ونصاً وكتاباً في السيرة الذاتية. من دواوينه : غايةُ النشوة 2002، بهجةُ الاحتضار2003، ممرُّ عميان الحروب 2005، تأطيرُ الهذيان2009، تفكيكُ السعادة2009، يُطِلُّ على الحَوَاس2010، رَفَّةُ شبحٍ في الظهيرة ، عالقٌ في الغَمْرِ كالغابةِ كالأسلاف2013، إغفاءَةُ الحَطَّاب الأعمى 2016، حَيِّزٌ للإثم ، بلا خبز ولا نبيذ 2017، سلة إيروتيكا تحت نافذتك 2020،أصوات تحت الأظافر2020.


Mirrors of “A Thousand Nights”

By Moumen Samir- Egypt

Translated by Kareem Abozaid

 Doors revolve and revolve(1)


Closed doors revolve before my eyes, I choose the middle and enter Frightened, I land in the ant colony, amidst the wide fangs and the smell of barbecue.. I was hoping for a docile place that would take my skin for a dance or trample on my shadow and fly like a splinter stabbing the heart of birds.. But I found the hero living on sarcasm whenever he works and whenever he plays even when he’s sleeping, so I closed my eyes and drowned in the black laughter.. The strange thing is that my thoughts were always revolving around the other two doors.. Will heaven be in the first and the second as if it were the tracks of the expelled.. Or are both of them a bastard and orphan of the palace!!? Ah, for the person who does not forget that he is the son of a coincidence, and his soul is trapped under his clothes by chance as well.. this is what my grandmother said, who crept into the forest, may it meet my grandfather’s soul, so the ants ate her legs, praise be to God

And up to the story..


Closed doors revolve before my eyes, I entered the first Frightened, and the darkness met me, leaning against the wall, the light after a while we had overlooked and dropped on us from the window his leg and his arm and a bundle of voices ending before they matured.. Behind my back a rose fell and I caught it hungry, I found her eyes still reproaching me for my love, who had lost her bones under the mountain and collected all the clay and blew in it, so she sought.. An authentic bat, worthy of the banner of our forest and its sown dreams..


Closed doors revolve in front of my eyes, I chose the latter to end my ordeal, I entered Frightened and found me in every corner, the mirrors were colonizing the room and revealing the truth that I was a sigh in a lost sea, a seed thrown by the mute farmer in the mud strayed outside the town and from that day he never stops dreaming.. these mirrors You make me a ghost every memory and then you make me a soul, every time you take off and go.. the mirrors shrink and you laugh..

In a remote place (2)

was then was, O happy and generous people.. It is not sweet to speak except by mentioning her and her remembrance.. The morning woke up under her window at the time of sunset, and he said, after he had inhaled his great gasp: While I was at this time preparing myself for the lunatics who bathed in glow, and choosing every day a remote place to take my deepest breath, an hour would suffice me to burrow under the flesh.. The window surprised me and spread a scent that burned my clothes from its drawings and my feelings on all four sides, so I woke up walking slowly and then crawled like snakes and said I stoop like that until I arrived and sat catching my breath and wiping my sweat and waiting for it to sag before the known time hit us.. Flood, O heavens, and O volcano, do not set, and do not see a flood from above on the ship: it trembles.. Years passed and I saw its shadow approaching the curtain and disappearing.. Or to be honest and doubting my senses.. I did not see the shadow, nor did I glimpse its shiver. It is also not true.. so it’s my illusions, my old friend and girlfriend.. O Lord, allow and accept my tremor and say ..Do not make my days go to waste.. I admit that the matter has become a combination of revelation and affliction.. I really missed her and from what I dreamed and dreamed of, the fat was lost from my body and it flew forever.. How does my mother know me in the market and under the hill and how Shall I frame you while I am skin upon bone!? I am close to the ancient gods, my houses, my gates, and my streams behind the mountains. It appears from planes and on the backs of falcons as if they are pearls and roses.. O its cruel scent that was lost, so people missed their work, and the leaders delayed their killing, and the boxers sat on their dry butts looking at the back seats and received pallor and white hairs.. Or are you In the heart of your loud presence, I got lost in you and got lost in me..?! Will I be patient with what I am in, or will I wear my keffiyeh and call out the black shadows to gather here and become the beautiful, mysterious darkness, perhaps you will rush to the soft breeze.. to dance and utter your ominous saying: I am the malicious princess I hid in you.. only to stretch inside me, to occupy you and repaint.. I am created from clay.. I cough.. I blow, so the story awakens.. Early morning sows..

The seal of the last voyage(3)

I fought for a long time with my brothers about the ring that was lying in my father’s old chest.. We panted for a long time and then slept like dead but I ignored them and stole it, so I went away and did not return.. And the years passed while I was passing through people, and they did not feel my crying or smell my sadness, although I do not carry solid wings that hurt their tender skin and did not I control myself as I covet their rain at harvest time.. it was a long night without end: the goblin sat with me under the tree and told how the ring in which they imprisoned him was narrow and bleak, but he loved him and became a disease that does not leave him despite his great escape. My soul and uproot your odor from my bones.. That’s how I hardened days and played with days But my disease that never leaves me is very similar to a faraway room in which we used to store grain, darkness and dew.. Every time the grandmother scratches to quench our hunger.. and the winter dies..

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كوريا الشمالية: الأسرة والزواج وأشياء أخرى!

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